Sunday, December 30, 2007
The last week - 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Glow of the STAR
Wish you all a wonderful time ahead!
The Strand I Could Not Fix
By Janet Perez Eckles
Like fog in the morning, the spirit of Christmas had vanished. Still, I shuffled in the garage. One by one, I retrieved the bins I'd stored the previous Christmas. While the aroma of sugar cookies wafted through the air and Silent Night played in the background, I began the decorating.
Placing the nativity scene as the focal point of our family room, I spread the rest of the decorations around the house: red and green candles, musical boxes with winter scenes, and bright red poinsettias framed with green garland adorned with burgundy, velvet bows. They all transformed our home into a lively winterland.
Next, I retrieved three stockings to fill the marked places above the fireplace; each embroidered with our sons' names: Jason, Jeff, and Joe. Once Jason and Jeff's were hung, with tears burning my eyes, I clutched Joe's against my chest.
The empty stocking sears my heart. It's been five years since the Lord called Joe home. Five years that Joe's absence left an emptiness we can almost touch. And five years that God's grace wiped away portions of the grief that flogged our hearts. But often, it's the scorching pain that opens our eyes to a bigger picture.
Years ago, when our three sons, including Joe, were still young, I focused on providing a perfect Christmas; a perfect tree to wrap a perfect celebration. As a result, little things tended to roil in me such as a light strand that refused to shine because of a burned bulb. Annoyed at the glitch, I promptly set off to resolve it -I fussed, I rearranged, plugged and unplugged until frustration grew hot in me.
How foolish and silly. I focused on that one bulb, dismissing the glow of the star atop the Christmas tree. I'd done the same with light bulbs that burned in my life-from broken relationships to shattered plans. Exerting tons of energy trying to fix them, I missed the star-- the one that gave significance to my life.
When that void in our heart aches to be filled, it's the star of comfort that makes it whole. When bitter sorrow robs the spirit of Christmas, it's the star of His genuine love that whispers joy. When a health diagnosis shakes our world, it's the star of reassurance that shines the certainty of new tomorrow's. It's the same star that never loses the brilliance of hope, incomprehensible hope, one we can only embrace when all strands of life burn out.
With eyes focused on the star, I hang Joe's stocking along with his brothers'; not empty anymore-but filled with sweet memories--his wit, laughter, his hugs and kisses.For that reason, God called it His "Morning Star" to dispel our darkness, dry our tears and repair strands we cannot fix.
Janet Perez Eckles is an author and national speaker. She loves to host visitors to her site, and imparts bits of inspiration in her blog.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
A 'mother'ly blog
This blog might just be the only one of its kind, where a working mother talks about office, daily routine including the sweet simple nothings, what the baby did, what it enjoyed, how and where it slept, the books the mother read, the little noises the baby made, the movies they went to and even describes the shopping and outings.
The beauty of it all is that the narration is addressed to the baby! What a moving narration! The baby is truly blessed as now there is a daily journal in mother's own sweet words.I didn't dare to leave a comment there as I felt it would be a rude intrusion into the serene world of the mother and the baby. It suddenly appeared as if it's not just a blog but another fantasy world of its own, truly alive with the love and affection of the mother.
God could not be everywhere,and therefore he made mothers.-- Jewish proverb
A mother is she who can takethe place of all others but whose place no one else can take.--
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Life on a 2000 acre screen
The travel schedule took me to Hyderabad and the two day stay at the Ramoji Film City was absolutely relaxing, to say the least. Pity there wasn't much time to explore all the areas as the stay was supposed to be work related :(
Ramoji Film City was declared by Guinness World Records as the World's largest integrated film studio complex. Well, when you spread the campus across 2000 acres of land, manned by a team of 7000 people & decorate the landscape with more than 90 different themed gardens, intersperse it with replicas of gardens and monuments from across the country and you need a whole fleet of buses just to take people from one spot to another what else can one expect? It has front facades of international airports, hospitals, post offices, central jails, railway engines, you just name any scene and they either have it already or can create an entire location in hours.
This location also has just received the Golden Pony Award for innovative and excellence by Games & Parks Industry. No wonder!
It offers preproduction & post production resources, 500 set locations, capacity to produce over 100 films simultaneously, more than 50 studio floors, locations, mock ups, set constructions, costumes and stage and an overall assurance that a film crew can just walk in and within days can walk out with a fully complete film ready for release...such is the comprehensiveness of the facilities here. Actually, the owner of this creation also happens to broadcast 12 television channels in multiple languages and the overall production happens also houses the earth station for their bouqet of channels here.
I am not much of a filmoholic but the grand scale of the Film City,the sets and the facilities within the city seemed mind boggling. The Hotel was grand in structure as well as the comfort it offers with a fantastic pool surrounded by still grander tile designs. The professional service from the team here was the high light. The conference rooms are decorated in true filmi style...adding a lot of glamour to the official work.
There was also a practical demo of a stunt scene involving sliding along a rope, kicks and punches, electric flashes, bomb blasts etc ending with a free fall of one of the actors from a height of two story level.
While in the film city, I was thankful to the fact that I was not there as a producer as I could enjoy the grandeur without having to worry about how about the film's collections, or the availability of the actors or any awards!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Mail from up above
To continue from the Kolkata trip, all the tension and demonstrations quietened down by the same night and still I was amazed at the response of the taxi driver who was to take me to the airport the next day morning. He actually drove to the hotel on the previous night itself and assured me that since he has already parked his car and himself at the hotel itself I can sleep comfortably during the night! This is great customer service. And as luck would have it, our drive to the airport at 5 AM in the morning went quite smooth though we had to drive through the curfew affected areas.
The next stop was Guwahati...and memories flew at me with the same speed as the landing craft. I have spent quite a few years in Assam before moving down South. The moment I landed flipped on my mobile eagerly to dial a lot of network for Tata Indicom in Assam :( That finding is the biggest disappointment in recent times. But the ever delicious Tenga with fish more than made up for the disappointment.
The next two days at Delhi went smooth...only I wasn't prepared for the cold evenings and in the outdoor gathering I couldn't leave my seat beside the huge stand having glowing coals throughout the party.
Coming back home, the cold had set in and even till today it is getting chill by the day.
With all the travel and stays at hotels, this anecdote in the in-flight magazine of Spice Jet lightened up quite a bit
Wrong mail ID
A man checked into a hotel on a business trip. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send email to his wife who was expected to join him at the hotel next day.
Meanwhile, somewhere a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. She decided to check her eMail, expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message she fainted.
Her son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the mail on the screen:
subject: I have reached safely
I know you are surprised to hear from me. They have computers here now, and we are allowed to send eMails to our loved ones. I've just reached safely and have checked in. I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you then. Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Caught in Calcutta
நேத்து எந்த முகூர்த்த நேரத்தில் 'south is sizzling, politically' அப்படினு போஸ்ட் போட்டேனோ தெரியல. 'நாங்க இங்க செய்யற கலாட்டாவெல்லாம் உன் கண்ணுக்கு political sizzling-காத் தெரியலியா'னு கல்கத்தாவும் புத்ததேவ் பட்டாச்சார்ஜியும் ஒரு சேரக் கோபித்துக் கொண்டு விட்டனர் போலும்.
காலையில நாலு மணிக்கு எழுந்து நடுங்கும் குளிரில் க்கக்கக்குளித்துக் கிளம்பி 'ரஜினி பட முதல் நாள் ஷோ' போன்ற கூட்டத்தையும் மெட்டல் டிடெக்டர் தடவலையும் சகித்துக் கொண்டு 'மாஸ்க் போட்டு எப்படி மூச்சு விடுவது'லேர்ந்து ஆரம்பித்து பக்கத்து இருக்கைக்காரர் முழங்கையை இடித்துக் கொண்டே எப்படி பேப்பர் படிப்பது, எப்படி இட்லி சாப்பிடுவது போன்ற நடை முறை வாழ்க்கைக்கு மிகவும் முக்கியமான எல்லா பயிற்சிகளையும் முடித்து ஒன்பதரைக்கு கொல்கத்தாவில் கால் வைத்த போது கூட உள்மனதில் எதுவும் தப்பாக நடக்கப் போவதாக உறுத்தவில்லை.
அடுத்த ஒரு மணி நேரத்திற்கு ' லெவல் டூ' ட்ரெயினிங்காகப் பிரித்துப் பூட்டிய பெயிண்ட் போன அம்பாசிடர் காரில் நாராயன் கார்த்திகேயனை முந்துவது எப்படி என்று ப்ராக்டிகல் நடக்க, இடையில் பல ஹோண்டா சிட்டிக்களயும், பல மஞ்சள் பொட்டி பஸ்களையும் இடிப்பது போல் சென்று ஏகப் பட்ட பழி பாவங்களையும் சம்பாதித்துக் கொண்டு ( டிரைவர் செய்யும் பாவங்கள் அவர் வண்டியில் பயணம் செய்பவரையும் பாதிக்குமா? அப்படின்னா நான் மகா பாவியாகிவிட்டேனா? ) பார்க் ஸ்ட்ரீட்ல ஆபீஸ் உள்ளே போனவன் அடுத்த ஒரு மணி நேரத்திற்கு ஏதோ மன் மோகன் சிங் போல நினத்துக் கொண்டு பிஸியாகி விட, பதினொன்றரை மணிக்கு அந்த நாலாவது மாடி கான்பெரென்ஸ் ரூம் கறுப்பு ஜன்னல் வழியா வெளியே பார்த்த போது பயங்கர ஷாக்!
நார்மலா அந்த உயரத்திலேர்ந்து கீழே பார்த்தால் மஞ்சளும் வெள்ளையும் மட்டும் தான் தெரியும். அது தாங்க, மஞ்சள் அம்பாசிடரும், வெள்ளை அம்பாசிடரும்! ஆனால் இப்போதோ மஞ்சள் கோடும் வெள்ளைக் கோடுமாய் பார்க் ஸ்ட்ரீட் கழுவி வைத்த கோயில் பிரகாரம் போலப் பளிச்செனத் தெரிந்தது. கொஞ்ச நேரத்தில் காலையிலேர்ந்து பத்தாவது முறையாக கேண்டீன் சென்று வந்த ஒரு உழைப்பாளி நண்பர் தவறுதலாக காண்பரன்ஸ் ரூம் உள்ளே நுழைந்து, ஏதாவது வேலை சொல்லிவிடுவார்களோ என்ற பயத்தில் சற்றே உறைந்து, உடனே சுதாரித்துக் கொண்டு, பதற்றத்தில் பத்த வச்ச லஷ்மி வெடி - 'பக்கத்து லேன்ல நாலு அம்பாசிடர் பத்திக் கிட்டு எரியுது'
விஷயம் என்னவென்றால் தஸ்லிமா நஸ்ரினுக்கு விஸா பீரியட் நீட்டிக்கப்பட்டதை எதிர்த்து சிலர் ஊர்வலமா கிளம்பி கொடும் பாவி எரித்தல், கோஷமிடுதல் போன்ற சராசரி இந்தியனுக்கான டே-டுடே ஹாபியில் ஈடுபட, போலீஸ் கண்ணீர்ப் புகைக் குண்டுகளை எறிய, இன்னுமொரு யூசுவல் கொல்கத்தா காலை வைபோகம் ஆரம்பித்திருந்தது. சுமார் இரு நூறு பேரை அடக்க முடியாமல் ஒரு மாநில அரசு இந்திய ராணுவத்தின் உதவி தேவை என பிரகடனம் செய்து உடனடியாக ராணுவம் மற்றும் rapid action force உடன் flag march-ம் செய்ய வைத்தது தான் அனைவரையும் கலங்க வைத்துள்ளது.
இதில் காமெடி என்னவென்றால் நந்திக்ராமில் நடக்கும் அக்கிரமங்களை அடக்கு என்றவர்களிடம் 'அப்படியென்ன பெரிதாக நடந்து விட்டது, கற்பழிப்பு, கொலை மற்றும் சில சிறுமிகள் காணாமல் போனது போல சின்ன சின்ன விஷயங்கள் தானே, இது எங்கள் உள் விவகாரப் பிரச்சினை, வேறு யாரும் தலையிட வேண்டிய அவசியமில்லை என்று ஒரு சில நாட்களுக்கு முன்னர் ஏளனம் செய்த அதே மாநில அரசு தான் இன்று ஒரு சிறிய கூட்டத்தை அடக்க இந்திய ராணுவத்தைப் பயன் படுத்தியுள்ளது.
இங்கு சில பெங்காளி நண்பர்கள் விவரித்த அரசியல் விளையாட்டுக்களைக் கேட்கக் கேட்க ஐந்து வயதில் விட்டலாச்சார்யா படத்தில் பார்த்துப் பயந்த பேயை விட இன்றைய அரசியல் பேய் தான் பயங்கர ரூபத்துடன் இருப்பது போலத் தோன்றியது. கலி காலமே தான், சந்தேகமேயில்லை. 'கலக்கப் போவது யாரு'னு கேட்டீங்கன்னா கண்டிப்பா இப்போதைக்கு வெஸ்ட் பெங்கால் அரசாங்கம் தான் என்று தயங்காமல் எஸ் எம் எஸ் எல்லாம் எண்ணாமலே ரிசல்ட் சொல்லி விடலாம்.
இதெல்லாம் சரி தான், நாளை 'மீண்டும் காலையில நாலு மணிக்கு எழுந்து நடுங்கும் குளிரில் க்கக்கக்குளித்துக் கிளம்பி 'ரஜினி பட முதல் நாள் ஷோ' போன்ற கூட்டத்தையும் மெட்டல் டிடெக்டர் தடவலையும் சகித்துக் கொண்டு' என படலம் உள்ளதே, எப்படி சாத்தியம் என்று விழி பிதுங்க கலக்கத்துடன் TV முன் அமர்ந்து இதை எழுதிக் கொண்டுள்ளேன். இன்று இரவு பத்து மணியிலிருந்து நாளைக் காலை ஆறு மணி வரை curfew போட்டுள்ளார்கள்.
அடக் கடவுளே!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
This 'n that
The TN Govt is in the middle of a number of controversies for their statements and their actions which do not seem to align with their coalition partner....In KN, the situation is so volatile and uncertain...Hope all these issues are sorted out soon...Hope they all find peace & harmony in their day today life so that the governments, whoever they are, can think of the interests of common man!
Sometime back I mentioned about the offers by Orange properties for their customers. Well, this week it got even more seems those who booked three bed room flats will get half a kilo of, not sweets, but pure gold ! Wow, now that's interesting! Who said we are a poor nation?
The traffic has become I wouldn't select a word now...the traffic control team are trying out a number of changes in the flow but yesterday, it backfired so badly that entire localities got flooded with static automobiles. No amount of stoic silence or the melodious songs from FM can compensate the hour and half time taken to cover just two kms :( May be they are testing the breaking points...
The audio tracks of Sawariya are absolutely stunning! Shaan's voice in 'Jab se mere nainaa' is sheer magic. That is definitely a positive impact while getting stuck in can hear this song atleast once in thirty minutes across three different FM broadcasts. No time for movies.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
14th November
Today is Children's Day. Once again all the newspapers have published the usual set of photographs. Once again the schools have taken the children through the same routine. Tomorrow, yet again, life will go back to 'normal'. The vision of the man behind all this? Oh, we will think about it, the same day, next year! After all we are so generous to dedicate one full day every year, right?
The only other leader in India who raised the level of importance for children is Dr. Abdul Kalam. While in office, he was very popular for meeting school children and interacting with them. He had a knack of eliciting their vision for the future. Igniting the young minds and setting them on wings of fire! Once, he got down from the podium and mingled right into a group of 1000 school children and personally answered their queries that were being thrown at him from every possible direction. That's some conviction and courage.
It was a surprise to learn that almost 37 countries celebrate children's day on various days of the year!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Learning the tweaks
The festive mood is thickening; people are relaxed and are having real fun. Malls are packed, roads are unbelievably choked but everyone is in good humour. That's what the anticipation of a festival as colourful as Deepavali does to individuals at all levels.
The newspapers are now weighing almost three times more with all those advertising supplements and beautifully printed colourful handouts. And nothing you buy seems to be coming alone; there is something free for everything! The biggest offer I saw today was for one Orange properties - they offer helicopter services and a free Audi A4 car for those booking a villa by this Sunday. Can marketing schemes get any better?
I too was in a relaxed mood - only those planning to book a villa in Orange properties need to be in tension about where to land the helicopter on MG Road : ) Generally, I hate spending time in front of TV ... and today the programs were particularly bad...guess the channels are all reserving their best for the festival day...and so thought I would hit the laptop.
Till now I was content with playing around with changing templates for the blog but today, as there was time, I started searching around for some information on the net...and boy,did I find information! Millions and millions of pages loaded with hacks, codes and do-it-yourself tips...mind blowing...numbingly excessive... complete knockout.
What is so amazing is that all those experts are eager to help others and have posted every trick in the world for free ! Within the first five minutes in Google, it was clear that all one needs is a willingness to learn and connectivity.
To cut a long rambling short, inspite of zero background in editing templates, today I was able to load a minima three column template, hide the header text and load my custom image in its place! All in a single sitting : ) May be it is nothing but the value added by the net is so genuine and powerful.And once the template was in place, I was playing around with the codes for another couple of hours like a kid in his favourite sweet shop; at one point I got so reckless ( and to my surprise over confident too) that everything collapsed. I had to start all over again but it looked easy the second time around!
Hope you are all getting ready for a wonderful Deepavali celebration. Here is wishing you all great peace & prosperity, perhaps a villa in Orange Properties :)
Monday, October 29, 2007
குழந்தையும் குடையும்
Monday, October 22, 2007
Get Rain washed

The little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in, "Mom, let's run through the rain," she said.
"Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If God let's us get wet, well maybe we just needed washing," Mom said.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
An interesting pic
Friday, October 12, 2007
A Tag with a name!
Thank you Priya, for this wonderful tag which made me pause and look at myself as if looking at a third person.
Rules of the tag.. .
1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name.
If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle
name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
This tag basically talks about name words and its description on what you like to say.
I take this tag with my name. Of course there is no middle name and I prefer it this way...
K- Keen; this word kind of describes my approach to almost anything. Well, as an adjective it means enthusiastic, eager. I like doing a thorough job of anything and cannot stand casual approach or half hearted efforts. By the way, the word keen also means 'intellectually acute' - thambattam adikka chance kidaichirukkilla, vittuduvoma? :)
U-Unassuming; which should mean the opposite of pretentious and more close to modest - thambattam ellam chumma thamaasukku thaan :)
M- Measured; yes, this is what most of my friends tell about me...careful in what I speak or do, always weighing before speaking out...I could get boring at times ...would like to become more spontaneous...
A - Affable; though at times I become a bit selective with this quality...
R - Reasonable - in expectations, in relationships, in ambition, in almost everything in life I have a reasonable outlook & demand
Now, I don't know so many people so as to tag one each for the alphabets in my name... so I pass the tag over to you, Sowmya.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Non violence

Creative reminders like these and also the fact that the UN has declared 2nd October as International Day for non-violence will develop a renewed interest in Bapuji's principles.And of course there is Lage Raho Munnabhai which packaged MKG in a non-intrusive yet pervasive & modern avatar which generated huge interest in his concepts among all sections of film goers.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
If Life is a cup of tea...
In an earlier post I had posted If Life is Coffee...
Here, life is compared to sipping tea!
Life is like having a cup of tea.
You sit by the side of the window, lift the cup and take a careless sip,
Only to realize, somebody forgot to put the sugar.
Too lazy to go for it you somehow struggle through the sugarless cup.
Until you discover undissolved sugar crystal sitting at the bottom...
--- that's Life!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Let the Garbage go by
How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive employee ruin your day? Unless you're the Terminator, for an instant you're probably set back on your heels.
However, the mark of a successful person is how quickly she can get back her focus on what's important. Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson. I learned it in the back of a New York City taxi cab. Here's what happened.
I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when all of a sudden, and I mean without warning, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded and missed the other car's back end by just inches. Here's what happened next.
The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. How do I know? Ask any New Yorker, some words in New York come with a special face.
Now, here's what blew me away. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was friendly. So, I said, "Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!" And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call, "The Law of the Garbage Truck." Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. And if you let them, they'll dump it on you.
When someone wants to dump on you, don't take it personally. You just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You'll be happy you did. I guarantee it. So this was it: The "Law of the Garbage Truck." I started thinking, how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people: at work, at home, on the streets? It was that day I said, "I'm not going to do it anymore." Well now "I see Garbage Trucks." I see the load they're carrying. I see them coming to drop it off. And like my Taxi Driver, I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, wish them well, and I move on.
One of my favorite Football players of all time, Walter Payton, did this every day on the football field. He would jump up as quickly as he hit the ground after being tackled. He never dwelled on a hit. Payton was ready to make the next play his best. Good leaders know they have to be ready for their next meeting. Good parents know that they have to welcome their children home from school with hugs and kisses. Leaders and parents know that they have to be fully present, and at their best for the people they care about. The bottom line is that successful people do not let Garbage Trucks take over their day. What about you? What would happen in your life, starting today, if you let more garbage trucks pass you by?
Here's my bet. You'll be happier. I guarantee it.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Path to Heaven


Last week I gave myself a grand visiting my parents! The daily routine had killed many such simple pleasures in life and in the last two years I was so caught up in things that I started visiting them annually. And I also started acting as if there was just no time to even think of any such activity. How stupid of me!
Suddenly I decided 'that's enough of it' and we just drove away. The very thought of me 'deciding what is important' and taking a 'I will do as I please' stance was so exciting & refreshing that there was no stopping! We all enjoyed ourselves so much nobody kept track of what happened in those five days of togetherness.
We also happened to visit some nearby locations. Surprisingly the first thought that came to my mind while framing these wonderful scenes through the LCD panel of my camera was 'how beautiful and nice will they look on my laptop as a desktop image...' and then suddenly the shock hit me. What am I caught up with? Immediately, the camera was put aside and we just took in the surroundings quietly.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Tender minds
As per the papers he is quoted as saying “I get bored running up and down a field with a ball,” explains Rafita. “But if I don’t turn just right when a bull is charging at me —that’s much more exciting.”
Dad Rafael happily admits to passing on his own obsession with the sport to his son. “I’ve always loved it,” he says. “I used to watch bullfights as a kid, but I never expected that Rafita would become a fighter. “I showed him videos and read him stories and he was hooked. From the age of four we bought him toy bulls and simulated the fight. He talked about bulls every day.”
But there is one matador’s custom that Rafita is yet to carry out — the final death blow. He isn’t strong enough yet to drive a sword into a bull’s heart. “He might just wound the bull and then they’d say it is cruel,” says his manager Jose San Martin, referring to animal rights protests.
But both he and Rafael hope Rafita will start killing bulls by October — a month before his 11th birthday. “He’s almost ready,” says his dad. “He is almost strong enough.”It will be a proud moment for us when it happens.”
What do you think about a 10 year old boy waiting to drive his sword into the heart of his first bull? Even if in his country bull fighting is an accepted sport and there are no laws determining lower limit of age to participate in such a sport.
Is it ultimate performance? Or is it deprivation of childhood? Will there be any such thing as a tender mind anymore?
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Young Lion
By Orison S. Marden
A young lion, as the fable runs, was one day playing alone in the forest while his mother slept. As the different objects attracted his attention, he thought he would explore a bit and see what the great world beyond his home was like. Before he realized it, he had wandered so far that he could not find his way back. He was lost. Very much frightened, he ran frantically in every direction calling piteously for his mother, but no mother responded.
Orison Swett Marden, (1850-1924) founder of Success Magazine, is also considered to be the founder of the modern success movement in America. He certainly bridged the gap between the old, narrow notions of success and the new, more comprehensive models made popular by best-selling authors such as Napoleon Hill, Clement Stone, Dale Carnegie, Og Mandino, Earl Nightingale, Norman Vincent Peale, and today's authors Stephen R.Covey, Anthony Robbins, and Brian Tracy.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Boss
The senior manager with full enthusiasm takes the initiative and asks "I want to be in a ship, away from everyone enjoying the beauty...." and the Sr. Mgr disappers.
At last the Boss speaks out, "I want them back at their work by sharp 12:35pm"
Moral of the story: Always let the Boss speak first.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
If life is coffee...
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to hot coffee.
So, don't let the cups drive you... Enjoy the coffee instead!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
The root cause
Two kangaroos were living in a zoo pen with a 20-foot high fence. One morning, both kangaroos were found wandering around the zoo, and were quickly put back in their pen, and the fence was put up to 30 feet. Next morning, they were found outside again, so the fence was made 40 feet high. The fence got up to 60 feet, and still the kangaroos were outside in the morning.
One kangaroo says to the other, "How high will they make this fence, do you think?"
"Don't know," says the second. "Depends when they discover they're not locking the gate."
Friday, August 03, 2007
An important question
First of all, there will be no thought to relax or sleep. Benjamin Franklin put it nicely, "there will be plenty of time to sleep when you are dead!"
Then it's time to address the priorities - family, friends and dear ones - telling them how much I have always loved them. To me, this would be of utmost importance. There are times when other priorities of much lesser importance than those individuals have eclipsed my love for those who matter the most ...we tend to be careless in hurting, putting things ahead of people ... but now here is the last chance ...not that I have gone around hurting a lot of them... people who know me can vouch that I am the nicest person on earth :-) Still I know there are a few mending work to be completed!
Then, there will be actions related to what Mel Gibson said in Braveheart " Every one of us will die, but so few of us really live" So living those moments to the fullest again relates to people for I would seek to be among the people dearest to me till...I don't own a single rupee to anyone, not a single materialistic activity pending - so its people, people & people all through.
But, fear? Will I be afraid? I believe Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji when he says "Fear is an expression of the past reflecting the future of the present. When people deny fear, they become egocentric; when they recognize and accept fear, they go beyond it - they become free from it"
I guess that's it. Not very exciting by today's standards, but that's exactly how I would like it to be.
Phew!!! As this Chinese saying goes, " the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the second best time is today" Well, I have quite a few euphemistic trees to plant!. See ya.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Recently, in the Times of India, there was an article about one Rabindranath Bhadra from Kolkata, who gets up at the crack of dawn, hurries through his daily rituals, grabs his lunch satchel and is off to work by 6 am. He returns after 8 pm from his work.
We might ask, "What's so great about that? A lot of people do that daily." Well, we wouldn't ask this question if we also knew that he has not missed a day of work since 1995 when he officially retired. And he does this extra work for free.
“I get my pension,’’ he explains, when asked whether he expects to get paid for his post-retirement work. Here is what they say about him at work “He works better than any regular employee. For him, there are no Sundays or holidays."
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Move on
Powerful performance by Abhishek as Guru powerful that Amitabh commented that his son has surpassed him in acting...well, the comment was received with mixed responses, obviously, and generally was taken as a promotional statement. ...and A.R.Rahman is magical.
I loved the scene where Guru's trusted deputy asks him, "Some one is throwing stones at us and you want us to just stand and watch?" ...for which Guru replies, "Don't just stand. Move on! Make progress in whatever you are doing!"
What a gem! Throughout the movie, Guru is portrayed with the same spirit...and many a times he says..."I am not capable of hearing the word No"
Just sat back and enjoyed the positive energy portrayed there.
Friday, July 20, 2007
The Empty Chair!
Author Unknown
A man's daughter had asked the local minister to come and pray with her father. When the minister arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows. An empty chair sat beside his bed. The minister assumed that the old fellow had been informed of his visit. "I guess you were expecting me," he said. "No, who are you?" said the father.
The minister told him his name and then remarked, "I see the empty chair; I figured you knew I was going to show up." "Oh yeah, the chair," said the bedridden man. "Would you mind closing the door?" Puzzled, the minister shut the door. "I have never told anyone this, not even my daughter," said the man. But all of my life I have never known how to pray. At church I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but it went right over my head." "I abandoned any attempt at prayer," the old man continued, "until one day about four years ago my best friend said to me, "Johnny, prayer is just a simple matter of having a conversation with Jesus. Here is what I suggest." "Sit down in a chair; place an empty chair in front of you, and in faith see Jesus on the chair. It's not spooky because he promised, "I'll be with you always." "Then just speak to him in the same way you're doing with me right now."
"So, I tried it and I've liked it so much that I do it a couple of hours every day. I'm careful though. If my daughter saw me talking to an empty chair, she'd either have a nervous breakdown or send me off to the funny farm."
The minister was deeply moved by the story and encouraged the old man to continue on the journey. Then he prayed with him, anointed him with oil, and returned to the church.
Two nights later the daughter called to tell the minister that her daddy had died that afternoon.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Management by Super Stars?
It was late in the night, on board the Kingfisher returning from Delhi. The dinner trays had just been cleared by the efficient crew and everyone was either smiling at The Great Indian Laughter Challenge on their TV screens or just started dozing off. I was lazily browsing through the newspaper when the above visual and the accompanying article in the Delhi edition of Hindustan Times shook me wide awake.
It went like this "Witnessing the resurgence of charismatic leadership in the Rajnikanth persona, the debate about the methods and madness of management by charisma has once again surfaced. Fenzied mobs crazy with their adulation for the leader, who is the star and the center of their universe. A hysteria that gripped Indians and non-Indians across the globe and created history."
Then the writer quotes names of famous leaders and notorious people who used their persona to move followers into action much like the flute of the pied piper and says the same is true of the Rajnikanth effect.
The writer emphasises "The need of the hour is for the saviour who will redeem the masses and restore faith in the system. We need to create a leader who creates followers."
One needs to read the full article to understand the writer's thought process supporting the above statement. It's just amazing :)
The concept linking super heroes with requirements of a great Leader is neatly illustrated under the areas of:
The authenticity
The Image
What the followers need
Tricks of the trade
The ethics debate
The author, Aneeta Madhok, Dean, Center for Human Resources, S.P.Jain Center of Management Academic City, Dubai, sure knows how to throw light into areas never imagined!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Focus on strengths
What keeps most people from achieving is they spend too much time dwelling on their weaknesses and shortcomings instead of focusing on their gifts.
Ok. There is this story of tiny frogs ...
There once was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a climbing competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.
A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants. The race began. No one in the crowd really believed the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. Heard throughout the race were statements such as, “Oh, way too difficult,” “They will never make it to the top,” “Not a chance they will succeed,” and “The tower is too high.”
The tiny frogs began collapsing, one by one—except for those who, in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher. The crowd continued to yell, “It is too difficult! No one will make it!” More tiny frogs got tired and gave up. But ONE continued to climb higher and higher. This one refused to give up!
At the end of the race, all had given up climbing the tower except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top!
All of the other tiny frogs wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it. They asked him how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal.
It turned out that the winning frog was DEAF!!!
....recently this story attained 'star value' when Rajnikanth quoted it on stage! (Source- Ananda Vikatan- July 4)
How apt! This story is definitely the need of the hour for the entire Sivaji team considering the critical reviews of some section of people. Whatever the verdict is, I believe the individuals in the team have delivered on each of their strengths. The investment of all kinds - talent, people, money and above all sincerity- is visible throughout the film. Who is qualified to judge what is good or bad?
AVM or Shankar never made any show of attempting to do social service through this movie...they wanted to deliver an entertainer and they have done it in a way nobody has ever done before. Even the carpet bombing style of marketing of Sivaji is a novelty aimed at quickest return on investment and definitely not on creating social equality as the protagonist 'Sivaji' does in the movie. Remember the line 'the rich get richer, the poor get poorer' from the movie? Do we really expect the producers to dare go against this in real life?
A movie is a movie is a movie...take it or leave it. And from the looks of it, the takers are having a ball.
ச்சும்மா கதையைக் கேட்டாலே அதிருதுல்ல!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Tag on book
So, I was tagged by Shiva
The paragraph(last one as there are only three) on page 123 is from the section ‘Surrender’ under chapter ‘The path of the goal that is you.’
Often people think that surrender is a way to escape from responsibility so they end up blaming the Divine for all their problems. In fact, true surrender is taking full responsibility for everything. How? Take full responsibility and then pray for help. Surrender eventually leads you to self reliance because there is nothing other than the Self.
My first exposure to Sri Sri Ravishankar and the Art of Living was while I was working in Pune. We had the Art of Living basic course in office premises and all of us started off in a fun way. The program changed a number of paradigms, to say the least. It had a huge impact on me and a number of my friends.. by the end of that week I was so alive.
Monday, July 02, 2007
The Bathtub Test
It doesn't hurt to take a hard look at yourself from time to time, and this should help get you started.
During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what the criterion was which defined whether or not a patient should be institutionalized. "Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub."
"Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup."
"No." said the Director, "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?"
Positive FM
One person said he tunes in every day in the morning because it helps him to start the day in a very positive way. I wondered how. There must be some program on air every morning that conveys a positive note.
Then there was an item about funny rejoinders by 'Vasudev' who speaks as if he is about to have a bout of severe cough...all he said was " every rose has its thorns, every idli has its sambar...ha ha ha..." I seriously tried to look for a positive note in the idli as well as the sambhar. Is he trying to say 'everyone has his match'... or is it 'there is someone for everyone?'
Immediately the next segment began... Uncle Appukuttan Nair. This was something. I don't remeber the entire dialogue but this is somewhat close to what went on:
'Every one comes to Appukuttan Ungle! for it marriage or migraine...Siddiq had a problem with his girlfriend and she refused to sit on his bike. Siddiq was heart broken when he came to me. I told him, life is like a roller coaster. There will be ups and downs, alle? I told him, forget the smaller issues and look at the larger picture. You will not have any problems in life. Simble, no?' Now, that's a sound advice :)
Appukuttan then sang a couple of lines from hindi film songs ... pyar mein kabhi kabhi aisa hi hota hai...He did a fairly nice job. He continued, 'when I next saw Siddiq he was very happy driving around with his girl friend and cuddling upto her on the park bench. Always ask Appukuttan Ung(c)le, no?'
The delivery was loaded with a typical accent, you have already guessed which one, right?...very soft and easy...nice one.
Immediately after this another caller thanked the station for helping him clear his Engineering exams. Now, how did they do that? Even the RJ was a bit surprised!
Whatever they had achieved in the last six years, right now I am having a good time in the morning traffic.
Saturday, June 30, 2007

But, the ads about discounted prices are the most prominent ones. One full sheet dedicated to one 'superlative-Mega/Big/Super/ Jumbo- Bazar' or the other is quite common. On Saturdays and Sundays, entire four pages are dedicated to one advertiser.
Is this trend of publishing MRP and then creating a big noise about discounts a healthy one? Why fix a maximum retail price in the first place? Why don't they include all these benefits in terms of cost and reduce the retail price?
Friday, June 29, 2007
Initially I used to get frustrated quite easily but then I learnt to accept the situation. Learnt to accept the inevitable. It ismy decision to continue in these circumstances. Hence, I guess, I am responsible for this. Soon after this slight attitude adjustment the whole thing started getting better. Life is not that bad after all.
I decided to listen to all my audio collection, one by one. Slowly the stock ran out! After all it is almost two to three hours of listening per day. And then I switched over to listening FM....which opened a whole new experience...and they also have interesting 'Traffic Updates!'
I was listening to Radio City. They have this fun tinge to the whole thing. The item was on twisting an existing proverb in a funny way... the proverb for the day was 'You cannot have the cake and eat it too.'... and within minutes the callers started getting back with SMS and calls with their versions on air. 'You cannot have the cake and run away', 'You cannot have the cake alone, got to share with me', etc, etc,
One girl called up to say " You cannot have your boy friend and have your husband too!" She went on to explain - A boy friend does not have any responsibility whereas a husband is responsible for himself as well as the wife. A husband needs to take much more responsibilities than a boy friend. A boy friend is there for the fun part."
Very interesting, indeed!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Even if animals can't talk...

LION KING: Animal behaviourist Kevin Richardson has such an intimate bond with big cats that he can spend the night curled up with them without the slightest fear of attack. Richardson, 32, who is based in a wildlife conservation area near Johannesburg in South Africa, works his unusual magic on other species too. Cheetahs, leopards and even unpredictable hyenas hold no threat for him.