Monday, September 17, 2007

Path to Heaven

A picture speaks a thosand words, they say...

Last week I gave myself a grand visiting my parents! The daily routine had killed many such simple pleasures in life and in the last two years I was so caught up in things that I started visiting them annually. And I also started acting as if there was just no time to even think of any such activity. How stupid of me!

Suddenly I decided 'that's enough of it' and we just drove away. The very thought of me 'deciding what is important' and taking a 'I will do as I please' stance was so exciting & refreshing that there was no stopping! We all enjoyed ourselves so much nobody kept track of what happened in those five days of togetherness.

We also happened to visit some nearby locations. Surprisingly the first thought that came to my mind while framing these wonderful scenes through the LCD panel of my camera was 'how beautiful and nice will they look on my laptop as a desktop image...' and then suddenly the shock hit me. What am I caught up with? Immediately, the camera was put aside and we just took in the surroundings quietly.
Of course, there was no further photo session.


Priya said...

Damn right and we just forget the things we need to enjoy as we always live with the so called technology.

Gone r the days waiting for the letter from a postman or enjoying the surrounding with friends and fmaily chit chatting. Now a days ppl' r doomed with their own world and who cares what happens next door.

Kumar said...

Priya - That's very much true. That trip really helped me change my approach to friends and relatives.

Thanks :)

Movie Mazaa said...

Good that u enjoyed urself! Its strange that we keep hovering after things that are expected to give us sheer bliss; but at last come back to things that have always been there, but which we never knew existed.

Kumar said...

Hi mm, Welcome :)
That's a good observation.

Your blog looks promising with crisp reviews.Will catch up regularly.