Creative reminders like these and also the fact that the UN has declared 2nd October as International Day for non-violence will develop a renewed interest in Bapuji's principles.And of course there is Lage Raho Munnabhai which packaged MKG in a non-intrusive yet pervasive & modern avatar which generated huge interest in his concepts among all sections of film goers.
What a courageous life! It definitely needs courage to stick to one's philosophy against all odds. We keep telling ourselves about what is correct and what is wrong but in the crunch situation, do we have the courage to stick to our own belief's? Or do we let the pressure carry us along? Do we get influenced by the people or situation around us?
Well, to a common man violence need not mean hitting someone or causing physical harm. Non-violence should be exhibited in simpler ways in life too.
We can see violence in the way some drivers barge their way through a decently moving line of vehicles. The way these people squeeze their vehicles in gaps, where there aren't any, is nothing short of an act of violence. Sometimes I get to catch a glimpse of the expression of the person who had to allow such vehicles to pass...and we can clearly make out that his sensibilities are offended.
People who rev up their engines and drive off before the signal turns green too display an act of violence. And so do the people who honk continuously from behind and psychologically force the guy before them to jump the signal and also the people who drive right into a group of pedestrians crossing the road.
Last week, just after the Brigade road signal there was this auto right in the middle of the road. It had crossed half way but the stream of cars just veered to the left side and kept going not allowing him to move on. I saw that there was quite a distance between my car and the white Omni behind me so I braked to allow the auto to cross. Just when I was about to move, the Omni from behind banged right into me. Obviously his focus wasn't on the red tail lights that were glowing in his face. May be a distraction on the road.
I slowly took the car slightly off the road, and got out to examine the damage when the omni guy, who had stopped after hitting me, suddenly accelerated with all his might and took off almost hitting the other car to his right. And I could clearly see the wide smirk on his face and that of the other passengers in the car with him. What do we call this act as?
Even at work place, sometimes, we tend to offend someone even in a subtle way. Can non-violence be practiced in such situations? I think yes.
Here is a toast to non-violence on the senses of our fellow humans.
Great post.. the words Thousands of roads may be named after him, But how many walk the path is very apt and forceful..
confronted with this ques. the best answer we might get is a shrug or are-you-talking-to-me-kind -of-stare
Thanks, Deepa.
You are right!
That's the most probable reaction for such a straight question
The blog layout and the photos are good! :)
Thanks & welcome!
I will say an act of stress in a hurry coz thaz how ppl' get into accident.
Non-violence, hmmm we only follow when we need it politely but out in the society, you just can't as ppl' or off the beat most of the time.
selective non-violence..that's a fact! Thanks Priya...
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