Sunday, January 24, 2010

We are all two people

This is some improvement - the second post for 2010.  

This year is meant to be action oriented and it will be predominantly driven through goals & related actions. So, obviously I am pretty caught up deep into stuff like Goals, Goals to action, motivation and related topics.

I really liked this article which talks of two of each of us that we deal with on daily basis. One is the real one that happily flows with the stream and the other one that I like to call as the aspirational version of our self. Thanks to Motivation 123 for this simple yet hard hitting article on making both the versions meet. What a wonderful realization that could be!

I am planning to modify the Homework part a bit to suit my life but here goes the actual version from Jason Garcia

We are all two people.

The man or woman who gets up in the morning, drinks a cup of coffee, drives to work in a daze and snaps out of it a few hours later before repeating the cycle the next day.

And then there is the New You, the man or woman who is confident and cool, in control and able to make things happen. The rock star, the adventurer, the renowned expert. The best-selling author, the CEO, the tri-athlete, the supermom or the superdad.

The New You is the ideal you, the dream you.

Nearly everyone I know will live their whole lives without ever stepping into those shoes.

They'll dream about, sure, but they'll never be it. It will always be a fantasy.

But it doesn't have to be. You can become that person. You can become the man or woman you've created in your head. It all starts with a definition.

A Homework

You can't hit a target you can't see, so the first and most important step is defining the New You.

At some point in the next thirty minutes, get a pen and sheet of paper and describe, in detail, your dream life.

What are you like? What is your personality? Are you calm, patient, lively, nuts?

Where do you live? What kind of house do you own? What do you do for work? How do you feel about it?

What do you have for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Who do you have it with?

What do you do after work? What do you think about on the drive home? What do you talk about with your kids and spouse? What do you do on Saturdays? Sundays?

Most people won't take the time to do this, and they're the same people who will never step into the shoes of their rock-star selves.

But if you do, if you put your heart and mind into the exercise, I promise it will pay off. You'll finally have a picture of the life you're going to build.

It's the only place to start. Get started.

And remember, if you want to start 2010 off on the right foot, check out our Motivated Mind special.

Have a great weekend and don't just think about doing something. Instead...

Make something happen,

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